Just tell me what u've got to say to me
I've been waitin 4 so long to hear the truth
It comes as no surprise at all u see
So cut the crap n tell me we're thru
U dont even know u're being unkind
So much for all ure so called optimistic ways
Playing & fooling around with ppl's hearts
And pretendin to b sorry abt ure actions
It was jes another act afterall
Is it a hobby of urs?
Or an addiction u jes cant deny?
U wrecked my heart out & left me to bleed
& after puttin me thru hell
U might have had an angel smile
But ure head was way up in space
U need to come down to earth
U cant see the world thru a mirror
& u were so innocent lookin
Yet far too poisoned & arrogant
u jes used me up & then walked away
As if nothin had happened
Girl u cant play me that way anymore
Cos now i know what u really are
Now i know ure heart & ure mind
Know that looks really are deceiving
is this a birthday present for someone?
dammit. u really DID say that.hehe. oh well, guess i cant take back the post since u said uve already saved it.Grrrr. ey, kobaa mashah gaindheyn buni bulhaa? I cant wait to have the cat. :D
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