Saturday, August 4, 2007

So there you are!

This is about someone i know thru a friend. and i found this about him yesterday. He was in jail for quite some time. and it seems he was among the ppl who broke out and disappeard. he's been missing for quite some time too. and we've jes recently found him. guess from where? hehe. FACEBOOK of all places. he had a keul name seems he's still unable to get away from facebook.hehe. seems like facebook is taking over the world.

My friends and i used to use hi5 like that. whenever we get an add that we dont know abt, we'd jes go to hi5 and put it there. itll do a search and in a few secs there'd be the guy/gal's profile infront of u.hehe.


LIL GIRL said...

whos profile i as th e image? u o him? joe? hehe
every1 is in facebook =/
in 1 way gud 2 maintain connection wit frnds.. on the othr hand a bug headache =/

Unknown said...

yaa v true..face boook is many lost freinds r there..its coool..cheeers

kaiza shozey said...

lil girl:his pic eh fenunee. it was under a diff name though. nick name eh jahaafa inee.hehe. and yea, sometimes its a big headache with all those applications.

xefrox:its ok i guess. there's no better alternative adhi. but lots of things need to be changed and improved in my opinion anyway *blush*

N said...


depends on the privacy settings right. if you have yourself set to not appear on searches then no one can find you that way :P

Facebook is cool. i never liked Hi5 or Friendster... etc.

kewl blog

WritingsForLife said...

face book is such an addiction :)

Sometimes it just bothers me.

kaiza shozey said...

radvixen: yea, but guess he didnt know that. and i liked hi5...back then.met some really wonderful ppl in there and made some extraodinary friends too. now its boring.

raaji:yea, sometimes dho. too many applications and do we really need to know EVERYTHING our friends do.

shan said...

CIA employee is asked to find a murder suspect asap! and where does he search? yes! you're guessing the right place!:D

All that advanced technology and he finds the suspect on facebook! lol i wonder how many CIA employees will get fired because of Facebook! :D