Saturday, July 19, 2008

What they said wasnt entirely true.

Please correct me if im wrong. The first figure shows how we were basically taught as we grew up. That the Earth revolves around the sun as such. And that was the mental picture that most of us had due to all those models of the planets revolving around the sun and due to all the diagrams that were shown to us pretty much like that one. But this isnt entirely true. So ill try to shed some light on this lil misconception.

The second figure shows how the Earth revolves around the sun. It is not in one line with the sun. The earth you might say moves up and down as it revolves around the sun. This explains the climates that are experienced by the northern and southern hemispheres. When the earth is at its top position, the intensity of the sun is stronger on the southern hemisphere than the northern. so its summer for the southern while its winter for the northern. and when the Earth is at its lowest position its winter for the southern and summer for the northern. and whether the earth is in the top position or the bottom position the equator doesnt move that further away from the sun to experience winter. or in other words the intensity of the sun's rays on the equator doesnt vary that much.

The seasons result from the Earth's axis being tilted to its orbital plane; it deviates by an angle of approximately 23.5 degrees. Thus, at any given time during summer or winter, one part of the planet is more directly exposed to the rays of the Sun. This exposure alternates as the Earth revolves in its orbit. At any given time, regardless of season, the northern and southern hemispheres experience opposite seasons.

This makes one wonder how perfect the alignment is. i mean what if the earth was just a bit further away from the sun? it would probably be winter all the time. and what if the earth was a bit closer to the sun? it would be summer for all the places and those places in the southern hemisphere which already experience temperatures of over 60degrees wouldnt allow any life on it. and we'd all probably die out of heat in time. and if this movement is not done by the earth, time would probably build up enough heat on the earth that would no longer support life one day. and it makes you wonder about the continuous rotation of the earth which brings forth day and night.

So i hope this shed some light on the misconception that most of us have regarding this matter. yea, ive made a new blog to put all the religious stuff or such into but the next paragraph seems to deviate from that plan. hehe. so the following verse is for those that wonder about such things.

"In the creation of the heavens and the Earth, and in the difference of night and day are Signs. Signs for men of Reason! Those who celebrate the praises of Allah while standing up, sitting down or lying on their sides. And they contemplate the creations of the heaven and the earth. They say: Our lord! You have not created all of this for no purpose! Glory be to you! Save us from the punishment of the Hell-Fire!"
*surah 3 Al-Imran, Verse 190*


Anonymous said...

i knew this long time back n i thought u knew this too.

kaiza shozey said...

yea, known abt it for 4yrs or so. just that i met a couple of friends from here older than me and it seems they didnt know. so i figured there must be others as well.

Azhad said...

The second diagram is not correctly drawn. The northern hemisphere should be more exposed to the sun and the angle of the tilt should be the same as the angle of the Earth on the right. ie. it is always tilted about 23 degrees to the right.

Also the seasons don't occur due to nearness to the Sun. It has more to do with the angle of the suns rays that hit the Earth.

To understand the seasons, first you need to draw the correct diagram.

The correct diagram and explanation is there in Wikipedia - do check it out.

kaiza shozey said...

@azhad:thanx :) ive removed that diagram.

Anonymous said...

comment moderating coward

kaiza shozey said...

lol. hehehehe. i must say. thats one of the most hilarious comments i have ever received. heheh. "comment moderating coward". i should remember this one. hehe.