Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Impacts 5 : The Daily Five Prayers (1 of 2)

This post goes out to all those believers out there who claim that they are a muslim. Lets say that its some advice. Whether you choose to accept it or not is upto u.

If I said to u theres a house for u, fully furnished with no mortgage or rent, 4 bedrooms. Nice neighbourhood, fully paid for with one condition. You move into the house and five times a day you are asked to make a phone call. Even the phone is there in the house. So just call up the company who gave you the house and say thank you very much. To be grateful and to take care of the house. And if somebody comes by and wants to spend the night and are hungry, give them what they need, treat them nice and let them keep going. Is that reasonable? Human beings should be motivated to be grateful if they are given something to which they haven’t paid for or have to pay for.

Well, that house is not a building, that house is you. Because that personality that is u is inside a body. That personality is housed. But when you die, so does that body. And that personality is wrapped up and is accounted for everything that’s been done by that personality. And what im saying to you and myself is that we have to be grateful for the life that we have been given because we are beneficiaries. You have been given this life without having to pay for it. The creator of the heavens and the earth, the benefactor has given us all of this without us even asking for it, the water, the air, our eyes, our thinking, the kidneys, our hearts, the ability to express ourselves and countless more. And im sure I don’t have to tell anyone the miracles of those and how they work. So don’t u think it is reasonable for that creator, that benefactor to say to you and I, that we should do three things

1) We should recognize this benefactor

2) Conform to some basic principles of decency, dignity, honour, justice, fairness and equity among human beings.

3) To give thanks, praise or worship at certain given times and places.
Three things that every human being is capable of doing irrespective of gender, race, status or wealth. So is this form of tribute reasonable? And thus comes the wordings we’ve all heard of “ Laa ilaaha illallah” meaning nothing to be recognized, no one to be paid tribute to, except the benefactor, the creator.
Such a simple thing asked of us. We all stand up feeling mighty and powerful and we all say proudly”I am a muslim. Laa ilaaha illallah!”. Yet we are unable to do this simple task. 5prayers a day which would take us like 25mins. That is just 1.5% of the time we have in a whole day. Jes a mere ONE POINT FIVE percent. So how can we even think of coming up with an excuse not to be able to do that. But we do don’t we? And the five prayers are “Vaajib” for us. Meaning we get “azaab” if we miss even one.

Heres something simple each one can do including myself. Consider a full month and see just how many prayers u are able to do(believe me, it would be easier than counting those that we did not do). Im sure the average Maldivian figure would be lower than 30. But lets take 30 as it is. Meaning we forgo 120prayers per month. Making it 1440 per year. Now multiply that by the number of years it has passed since u became physically mature. Quite a number isn’t it? That’s the “azaab” we have been able to collect only from forgoing the daily prayer. And only god knows the MEASURE of “azaab” for every single prayer that we forgo. Afterall the daily five prayers are ENFORCED in our religion to do on countless occasions even in the Quran. Do u really think the “azaab” for disobeying it or the measure of it would be light?

*2nd and 3rd paragraph referenced from Sheikh Khalid Yasin


Anonymous said...

man, you're a goner!

kaiza shozey said...

depends on what u mean by a goner. hehe