Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Impacts 5 : The Daily Five Prayers (2 of 2)

Some of us see the error in our ways and start resuming daily prayers. Daily prayers that are required of us. But everytime we miss a single prayer it adds up on which we’ve determined previously. So the question stands “What are we doing in compensation to those that we missed in the past?”. Simply praying five times a day is not enough. Just how many of us CAN actually recite the quran without making countless mistakes nowadays? When was the last time we sat down with the Quran and recited it for even half an hour? The last ramazaan? Whats ur excuse? Not enough time? Too busy? Doing what? Playing games, watching movies, trying to impress the opposite sex, playing sports? Hmmmmm, wonder if they are reasonable excuses.

And this is considered to be the very basic fundamentals of our religion, the beam which supports islam. So if we are unable to even achieve this, we should be ashamed to call ourselves muslims. If we are unable to achieve that, we are merely posers who aren’t grateful to god for all the blessings in our lives even if we CLAIM that we are. We bring shame to the name ‘Muslim’.

This is the reason why we are lured into committing other sins. If we pray daily five times a day, we’d automatically be keeping away from other sins. The prophet(SAW) said “If one of you had a stream infront of your house and you went down to that stream every two hours or three hours or so, u washed urself and bathed urself in it, would there be any dirt on you?”. The principle is followed from the daily prayers.

For example a person prays five times a day would he be thinking about fornicating, committing adultery, or maybe robbing a bank? Say they’ve just finished praying the fathis prayer. And they start planning for this bank robbery. Or lets say a man calls a woman and they wanna meet together if you know what I mean. And he goes “where shall we meet? Lets meet after lunch. Oh wait, its afternoon now its time for the afternoon prayer. So before we have this little meeting we’re gonna have, lets pray the afternoon prayer first”. So they both pray and then he calls up and says “we’ve both prayed and where do we go from here? Should we go to your house or my house? And what do we do from there? We have a lil drink and we’re getting smooches or whatever. And really get into it and then he suddenly goes. Oh wait. Its time for the Asru prayer”. Im sure u know what Im getting at. Its not gonna happen. Simple.

The Quran says : “Innassalaatha thanhaa anil fakhshaai val munkar” (don’t have the Arabic font) : meaning “Verily the prayer is the preventive deterrent against human tendencies towards doing what is wrong”.

*4th paragraph referenced from Sheikh Khalid Yasin


stuffed pigeon said...

hmm... so true. jaza aka Allah khaeeran

KoNcheKEY said...

u know whats funny
check out the no. of comments on the other posts to this one (within a time range)

seems like religion is being ignored by most people
in my opinion what u should do first is try clean up the name
before u start preaching

then again who am i to judge

interesting read :D

kaiza shozey said...

well, its obvious its gonna be ignored, especially in the blogsphere where most ppl are trying so hard to impress others and look cool.hehe. i knew that even when i wrote it. but atleast some of them are gonna read it and HOPEFULLY learn something from it. maybe they feel they need to be someone who wont be called a hypocrite if they do comment, which shouldnt be the case. and what do u mean by trying to clean up the name?

Anonymous said...

hey u, this post and the one linked to this is great ingey.....thanks for showing me this ingey...
m looking for things like this to read now and this one helped ingey

KoNcheKEY said...

surely u must have noticed the extremism, terrorism & the ignorance

people here dont even know the reason y they believe in religion

most of em goes into a logical paradox
god > prophet > book > god

the answer is faith
either u have it or u dont

kaiza shozey said...

@saeedha: sure. no prob

@konchekey: yea, that dho. so very true. thats why i tried starting from the fundamentals though vat ive said in the post is actually basic grade 3 knowledge for a muslim. hopefully will be posting more in due time, tests now. hehe

KoNcheKEY said...

yea but the fundamentals r useless if u dont have faith
& thats my point

answer me this.. better yet write a post about it
forget about the prophets, forget about the books, forget about the after life "y do U believe in god?"

(also dont talk about islam in it, thats for the next question)

& please dont use something cheesy like those images
it would really make me loose my respect for u

kaiza shozey said...

hehehe. interesting. i could give the answer right now but like uve said lets see if i can write a post abt it. not the first time ive been asked that Q. this is very interesting indeed. and no cheesy images. :p doesnt really matter even if u do loose ur respect but lets see how the post goes dho.