Sunday, June 29, 2008

Impacts 4 : Death (2 of 2)

And after we’ve died maybe we get to see our own funeral and see all the ppl there attending it. We see all the ppl weeping and crying over our death but unable to talk to them or to stop them from crying and weeping. Maybe we’ll still be in denial wishing we were still alive. Wishing we had been given more time. And wishing we were one of those ppl at the funeral who were still alive cos they get to go home whereas the deceased will have to face their maker. And you will KNOW that u’d reap what u sow. That would scare you more than anything else. Not knowing what our fate would be. Not knowing what would happen next. We humans worry and sometimes blow our minds from the time we finish an exam and wait for our result not knowing what we’re gonna get. But at the back of our minds we’d already be making plans for ‘IF’ we do fail or get lower than expected. Maybe do a resit, study more etc etc. but imagine how we’ll feel when we’ve died. There’d be no other plans or ANY way to take back what we’ve done or to do what we haven’t done. There would be no way out.

Then comes our grave. Its said of an enormous serpent that some of us would encounter much of it ive forgotten. And how our flesh would be eaten as if eaten alive slowly and how we’d feel every inch of it. We cant even stand the bite of an ant. And there we’d be slowly being eaten away over months and maybe over years in time. And we’d remain alone in our graves for years n years to come until the day of judgement as if being buried alive. But its said that the ones that would be saved from that would be the ones who regularly read the Holy Quran. Jes how many of us do? 10%? 5%? Maybe less? Its said that time would fly by for them and they wont feel the maggots/vatever eat our flesh away feeling the pain.

What then? Being raised from death on the day of judgement and having to wait in the sun with the sun hovering over our heads much closer than it usually is. Some buried halfway through the ground. That’s when all those women who had lost a baby would be greeted by them and given water or so I hear. Every generation of people going to their prophets and each one too afraid as they too have sinned. And when finally it comes to our prophet S.A.W. the process of being given our ‘results’ one by one with proof of everything that had really happened on that day. What would our fates be? Waiting in queue wishing that it SEEMED like an eternity when in fact it is an eternity. And even the queue being lenient on the good. As if every step of the way, ppl are divided into categories based on how they were before they died. The turning point being death. No more human rights/ child rights or any other stuff of the sort. No racism sexism etc. everyone’s fate solely on their own deeds. Interesting bit.

Even our prophet’s S.A.W associates some of them who had already been given the blessed tidings of heaven while they were still alive scared out of their wits unable to say which fate would be theirs. So what of us? What are we when compared to them? Yet we all somehow feel so safe. Makes u wonder what is really expected of u. and what is enough? The stories go on and on but I guess that should be enough for now. Hehe

Looking at it all from a different point of view makes it seem so surreal. We question ourselves whether if that’s whats really gonna happen. And we’ve heard so many different stories all revolving around some basic key points. Raises the question of what to believe and what not to. I guess that’s where our own beliefs come into play. Not what our parents have told us or what we’ve read from books n all. But how we feel abt it all inside. Each one to their own accord. Saying u believe in something and actually acting on it are totally diff as well. Each one to their own accord or beliefs. In the end we are all gonna die.


Anonymous said...


for people who say why are we being punished, do you agree that you have a freewill to go to a particulat film you want, have you got a freewill to choose? Likewise there is a path of truth and path of evil.......think again.

Anonymous said...

man, did u wrote dis?
in de end v r all gonna die...
sooner or later..its so near us.
its really written nicely.i mean it..:)

for those who dnt think of their death and for those who think of it,i wonder how many of u wud b readin such a piece of writing and feelin ur death nearly very close to u..

kaiza shozey said...

@anonymous: irey? well, what u said is true. ppl jes dont wanna bother looking and takes it easy saying whatever that comes to mind against it. if they spent half the time on finding out the answers to the questions they ask rather than making up excuses, im sure they'd find those answers.

@butterfire:ofcourse i wrote it :p thanx. and to answer ur Q, id say less than half. cos half the ppl who see its abt sumthing in a religious point of view would stop reading and most of the rest would finish up and go have a beer that night. its jes the way it is. we are all hypocrites afterall. most of us anyway. hehe