Friday, June 27, 2008

Impacts 4 : Death (1 of 2)

Note: Everything I wrote here are all stuff that ive herd while growing up or read from diff books skimmed through. How much truth they weigh.....we’ll never know.

A topic that always interested me. Something inevitable and believed by almost everyone…..all except the nutcases maybe. For the rest of us we all believe that one day it would be our turn. Doesn’t matter which race we’re from, which country or which religion. Sooner or later its gonna get us. The only difference is how soon. Its like ever since we are born….no wait…..ever since we are created as a single egg inside our mother’s womb, there’s a ticking time bomb inside of us. You never know when its gonna go off. Maybe even before ur born, when ur a kid, after ur married or maybe ull be UNLUCKY enough to see the ppl close to you die before you do of old age.

What interests me more is the time of death. What happens then? Most of us believe that the angel of death comes to us and takes out our soul. What then of those ppl who were killed instantly…say from a bullet to the head. Is the soul taken out at that instant as well? Or maybe its jes the body that dies and the soul is still inside. Maybe we are still able to witness everything like some ppl do even when in a coma, until the soul is taken out from the body. What would happen at that instance? What would be going thru our minds? Would we see flashes of our whole life pass before us like ppl say? Or do we realize we are really dying this time, panic and start crying. Maybe that’s what they meant by our life flashing by. Maybe its regret at that instance. Maybe we look back through all the good and bad we’ve done. Maybe its regret for all the things we wished we had done and all the stuff we wished we hadn’t. and what of all the ppl that’s done u wrong? Would u be cursing them? Or would u be too mesmerized by the angel of death or too petrified that u wont be able to think of anything else?

Its believed in our religion that even death is lenient on the good and painful on the wicked. Its said that when someone who is bound to go to heaven dies, most of the time he/she will have that feeling they are gonna die very soon. Some have made their final farewells to their loved ones on the day of their death going around from house to house wishing them all well but none of them have said that they feel like they will die soon or had such a talk with those loved one. We jes fear it when we see their actions. How are they given that assurance? How do they know when their time has drawn near? And im not speaking of those people who are on the verge of dying from an injury or so. The ones who seem as if they’ve got years to live on. And its said that their souls would be drawn out of them no smoother than milk being poured out of something. And that they would be filled with happiness and given the glad tidings of the wonders yet to come.

And of the wicked, its said that it would be like putting knives on a cloth close to each other and trying to pull the cloth out thru them. That’s how the soul would be pulled out. That’s how they would feel. And that its gonna take a long time for the soul to be completely pulled out of the body with him/her crying and screaming in agony. Filled with horror and pain. The worse u are, the longer it would take. The thought of the soul been shredded.


Anonymous said...

Interesting post.
Death is the ultimate truth of all the beings...regardless of their position in this world.

The ongoing of the nature is certainly a sign of a creator, of one creator..Allah..who created the heavens and earth and the most minor cells in living beings..who knows everything, hence its by Allahs knowledge a bullet too comes and hit a person.

Think about death, it will keep you on the track.

The so called christian bloggers are people gone astray, people who will be losers..Its a pity their faith exists inside a blog only.

Anonymous said...

interesting read... its quite thought provoking... death is the one thing that humans try to avoid thinking of yet in da end thts wht we al end up thinking of... death is da one certainty n those who dont 4get it shall live their life to the fullest... kyp up da gd wrk daku... :)

SoE said...

I believe that everybody has a purpose here. If we can't do it, somebody else will so just better do it before death comes along :|

Anonymous said...

One should be certain shouldn't one?

Sunan Abu Dawud Hadith no. 4735

Sahih al-Bukhari V.2 B.23 Hadith no. 456

Musnad Imam Ahmad Hadith no.17803 (the hadith of Baraa bin Azib)

"By those (angels) who pull out (the souls of the disbelievers and the wicked) with great violence; -- By those (angels) who gently take out (the souls of the believers)" Quran 79:1

Not only is death certain, but whatever will happen from the trials of death, barzakh and ressurection, to the judgement and reward, and whatever is detailed about them in the Quran and sahih Sunnah is certain.

kaiza shozey said...

@who is a loser: thinking abt death will surely keep us on our tracks. and most of the time they do it thinking it makes them cool or sumthing :s . but then again like i say each to their own accord. their choice.

@mibu: heyyyyy...thanx beautiful. :)

@soe: so do u mean if they dont someone else will fulfill it for them?

@anonymous: thanx for the links. they were very insightful. especially that last one.

Anonymous said...

What I don't get is if god is omniscient, that is, he knows everything infinitely, and if our destinies, our lives are all scripted, that is, he holds foreknowledge of what each and every person will do until his death, why the hell are we punished? Why all the drama of taking the soul with knives and the fear mongering? Hey, god knew I was gonna turn out to be a child-molester and a rapist. Not my fault.

Perhaps you should explore predestination sometime.

Religious crap can get ppl thinking all sorts of baloney.

I shall return to earth and be recycled. See you there. Or not. :)

paperclippenny said...

GREAT blog! Makes you wonder doesn't it!

callι guяl said...
thinking about it is scary
but hey, u never know when death is gonna come along eh? and thats what scares me the most.
i would like to die in piece though, rather than getting killed with a bullet or something.

kaiza shozey said...

@simon:hehehe, wouldve been surprised if u hadnt commented. but yea, i know what u mean. a friend said once "if god is so great and all knowing why would he have a need to test us?". but i guess it goes down to ur beliefs. as for me i believe that all of which surrounds us, all the wonders n miracles and beauty of it all. the pure precision of everything cannot be a mere coincidence and that there is a higher being behind it all. i dont believe we get born all jes to live off our miserable lives, die and then that would be all if everything else has such precision to it all, there has to be more, there has to be a purpose. and in regard to the "not my fault bit", lets say someone you know with a grudge comes over and kills someone dear to u, would u still go "its not his fault, its god's. god knew this would happen"? jes my opinion, doesnt need to be true or be shared now does it? hehe. so u thinking its all crap well, thats jes ur opinion. cheers

@paperclippenny: thanx. indeed it does

@callipix: hehehe. i think we all share that thought. i wouldnt want a bullet in my brain either. but then again its a quick way to go aint it? hehe

@hey pedo: someone with a grudge huh? i guess they lurk at every corner. he doesnt believe in god, so what. thats upto him. atleast he's got the guts to say it all out instead of being a coward abt it. sigh.

Anonymous said...

i wasnt talking to you babble mouth. ma vaahaka dhekky kuda kudhin falhaa lhaigandaa.

Anonymous said...

"its not his fault, its god's. god knew this would happen?"

"To me there is much comfort in the thought
That all our agonies can alter nought,
Our lives are written to their latest word,
We but repeat a lesson He hath taught.

Our wildest wrong is part of His great Right,
Our weakness is the shadow of His might,
Our sins are His, forgiven long ago,
To make His mercy more exceeding bright." - from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

kaiza shozey said...

heheh. those are some interesting comments. too bad that whenever religion is involved almost everyone cowers away in speaking their mind abt it. as if they themselves arent sure what they believe in. thats to the bloggers ofcourse. not the ones who are only interested in reading different blogs.

moyameehaa said...

kaiza shozey;

there is a reason people act the way they do when it comes to religion.and we all knw that.

most maldivians dont take religion seriously. i wear buruga, i have sex..but i believe i might be burned in hell for livin life like this.and hell is a fuckin red hot fire pit with torturers. amazin eh? so they avoid knowing their religion. but ironically they also fear hell and death.

the same people...and ofcourse more pious ones especially would get in to a fit of rage once they hear someone expressing an opinion contradicting islam.this have gone to the level of personal death threats even on the mvblogosphere.


kaiza shozey said...

@moyameeha: yea, so true. for example someone wears the burugaa saying she didnt do it cos someone told her to but cos she wants to follow the religion, she continues to commit adultery with different ppl, isnt able to do 5prayers in a week etc. but when something frightening happens (eg: talks we had before abt judgement day drawing near) they'd all rush to prayers, regret their sins and try to be religious again. a few days pass, "hey im still alive. i need to get laid". typical common scenarios. the funny bit is they try oh so very hard to keep it all hidden and to show that they are good muslims from the outside. hehe

moyameehaa said...

i made a very long comment just before the comment here.but it dint show up.some prob occured. so here i go again.i dont remember everythin..but i will mark the important things i remember now.

firstly i said death is horrifyin enuf as it is. no need to create stories and stuff intending to make it more the same way we dont find miracles and beauty and wonder in nature as it have to be something 'extraordinary' some arabic letters written in a plant.

anyway.then i said death should be a reason for us to be more optimistic about life. a reason we should listen to omar khayyam and live it to the fullest.drink it to the lees.we dont get 1ups like in supermario we need to make good use of it.value it.not just ours...but others' lives too.death makes us all the end we all will lets make good use of the short time we have.

hmm..what else did i say..ah..that in islamic texts there are so many stories related to death.i shared one...which i think i found in sahih al says that after all the hullabaloo at the judgment ground is done.after everyone is put in to where they are supposed to be (even the guys stuck between hell and heaven).then..finally death will be killed. kool eh? i like this thought.death being killed.death will be kept on a wall between hell and heaven.and lying there..death is helpless.when someone (on the command of god) kills death.and after that there will be no death.its all over.someburn and get tortured in hell and others live happily ever after..forever and ever.

kaiza shozey said...

hmmm, i havent herd that bit before. i did hear abt death being killed after all was said n done, but not the bit abt him being inbetween hell and heaven. kinda makes u wonder. isnt death an angel as well appointed for that task? and angels are ones who are said to do all bidding and be loyal to god. so if he is killed it would mean an angel was killed. i hope im not overstepping my boundaries when i say this but was he being killed for obeying his orders? whats the 'hikmah' of him being killed in the end?