Sunday, April 13, 2008

Relationships that came with unforeseen attachments

The following are a few stories that ive come across that’s happened right here in the Maldives, all of which had happened after a couple broke off their relationship.

1)After breaking up the girl gets called a whore, prostitute(u name it). She gets harassed on the road, all the pics the guy had of her gets uploaded on the net and the guy make sure that the girl’s reputation changes to what we Maldivians call a ‘badi’ and someone who’ll sleep with jes any guy. Sometimes the breakup is followed by a huge slap on the face or even a beating up.

2)A girl cheats on her bf and later break up. The guy finds out about it, gets a couple of his friends and invites her over. She then gets raped and videotaped. There definitely was a lighter involved in the rape (ill leave this part to ur imagination) Dunno what happened to the guy whom she had cheated with. I don’t think he was let off that easy.

3)After a breakup the guy decides that if he cant have her, no one else will. That he would make her look unattractive to other guys. So he decided to re-decorate her face with a razor/cutter/whatever. If I heard right the guy made sure that she got the medical treatment afterwards……along with a lot of scars on her face

4)A breakup happens where a girl cheats on his bf again. They breakup and during ramazan she gets kidnapped and tied up in a friend’s house(the house was empty). He invites his friends over and they all do her over n over again. She then gets a hair cut, and a pube cut with a razor/trimmer/whatever. She DID get a drink to break her fast alright. But it wasn’t with something she had in mind. They kept her there for the whole night and later let her go.

5)A girl who was at the time in ameeniyya had sex with a married guy. She then later told the wife about it which created a huge problem to the marriage as expected. So the guy gets his friends, tied her up to a branch of a tree and videotaped her to ruin her reputation(but obviously everyone felt sorry for the girl due to the stupidest resolve a guy could come up with to ruin a girl’s reputation)

6)After a breakup the girl started dating some guy. The X-bf found out about it and made sure the guy got a vacation for a month at IGMH.

7)this one doesnt involve cheating(i didnt know it did). the guy wanted to breakup with the gf. so he decided he might as well as have sex with her one last time. but when he went over he took a video cam with him and left it on the table recording the sex that they had. but he made sure he turned off the lights upto the point where everyone watching would be sure that they were having sex but not sure who the ppl were. and heres the tricky part. after the sex the guy leaves and he calls her on her mobile. so she TURNED ON the lights and continued the conv still naked ofcourse. BUSTED! then he comes back and takes his video camera away and jes deletes the scenes he wanted deleting and jes let the video loose. (so im guessing that she mustve done SOMETHING wrong for him to go to all that trouble right?)

8)And theres also something ive always wanted to do. came close to doing it too. changed my mind about a week before the set date. aaaahh. that wouldve been fun. heheh. (but lets keep that in for now)

9)so heres a story.this girl cheats on this guy .the guy finds this out
he dosent break up with her right then .he sneaks into her room when shes not home
cut all her cloths in strategic places ,destroy everythin in her room
sends a clear message their broken up. now thats a mature way to break up XD lol
(story told by Konchekey)

10)Then we have the boyfriends and husbands who find out about the cheating and pretend nothing ever happened and try to sustain the relationships which results in more cheating and with many other diff ppl. I personally call these guys ‘the girl’s bitch’.

11)We’ve also got the ‘unmanly’ kinds who doesn’t do any yelling, hitting or anything even near to whats described above. These guys are made out to be the losers or the ppl who are a bore to their X’s. more like the pathetic fools who needs to grow up. And believe me, if the guy doesn’t hate the girl for the breakup then it turns out that apparently something is very wrong with the guy.

Im sure you guys mustve heard some other stories as well.(pls share if u don’t think this post is sick, even if it’s the truth). Such manly guys we’ve got here. Makes it seem as if being in a relationship is a dangerous thing.. …or maybe a breakup or cheating is a bad thing. Some would consider guys to be heartless and jerks while others would think that the girl’s are the ones who got themselves into those situations. Whatever the case…..these are our fellow Maldivians. So much has changed. And in no where a good way I must say.


KoNcheKEY said...

man this sounds pathetic guess it all depends on the situation

though vacation in IGMH thing sounds like fun :D

so heres a story
this girl cheats on this guy
the guy finds this out
he dosent break up with her right then
he sneaks into her room when shes not home
cut all her cloths in strategic places
destroy everythin in her room
sends a clear message their broken up
now thats a mature way to break up XD lol

.mini said...

i like the way the guy mentioned by konchekey did rather than all of those raping and fights!

so, men get all violent coz of women eh?

kaiza shozey said...

@konchekey: heheh. good one. ill edit it into the post. and that reminds me of two different ones as well. if they were dating or having sex with men then it wouldnt be women now would it :p but since its women ofcourse its cos of women :p

@calli pixelfcuker: dont u mean why are WE like that? yea ur right, but what to do. the interesting part is, it wont matter how many times the girl or guy has been warned about it and how many times it happens she manages to get herself BACK into that situation again.

Anonymous said...

Another post with a sexual undertone

Anonymous said...

- here s another of what a guy does after a girl politely denies a request to be his... prays that no one gets her and bitch about the guy she dates.... involves her sister in it too makes everyone in the crowd think she is stupid to have said no to u...
-and another... guy wants to divorce the wife ... he makes sure to tell all his friends and rest of the world about her sexual dysfunctions?

andhu said...

guy cheats the girl the girl castrates him is equal to girl cheats the guy guy and his friends rape her...


shutter remember the moivie???

kaiza shozey said...

@anonymous coward: thank you. ill take that as a compliment :)

@im not anonymous you see: whoa! somebody's got a story with experience i see. i also see how gullible the ppl in that crowd is IF they believed the girl was stupid for not getting together with the guy.

@andhu: no way! thats not the same :p and yea i remember the movie was gooood. but dont remember any castration being involved in it. hehe

Anonymous said...

girl breaks up with guy
guy doesnt wanna break up with her for some reason he is crazy over her
so the guy threatens the girl to leak her things
and so the girl is forced in an unwanted relationship

Anonymous said...

ok heres something...
gurl breaks up wit d guy and d guy also gives in nicely but den again the girl is gets back wit d guy and the guy is with another girl but cheats on his new girl.
the x girl doesnt like him havin a new gurl but remember this is the same girl who broke up with the guy!
and then the girl records their convers or take some pics and then make sure the guy doesnt get to be with another girl exept her!

hows that? kinda girl angle which is not so often mentioned here

kaiza shozey said...

@anonymous: if the guys got naked pics/videos of her then she's jes damn stupid to have even taken them in the first place.

@anonymous2: maybe she regretted it later and wanted to get back together with the guy. and if they were together before ofcourse she'll get jealous of the new girl dont u think?

andhu said...

hey yeah well shutter ga nuvey dho castrate eh ekamu dhoo kondah araa viyya innanee.. hhee

Arkturus said...

don't almost all relationships come with unforeseen attachments? can't remember a relationship that ended well.^^' nor can i recall any of my friends mentioning one. so it begs th question, CAN a relationship end well? O.O and what is 'ending well'? being buddy-buddy with a person who rejected you and all that? or never meeting them again or something? all very undefined and confusing if you ask me. :P

anyway, really cool blog. i am officially hooked. ^_^ i'm gonna check this place out every chance i get. ^^

kaiza shozey said...

@arkturus: "what is 'ending well'? being buddy-buddy with a person who rejected you and all that? or never meeting them again or something?" thats what i say alot too. really good point. and about being the buddy-buddy thing. if after a serious relationship if both of them can be JUST friends jes like that doesnt that mean the relationship they had wasnt as serious as they had thought it was. cos if it were how could it be THAT easy for them to jes forget it all and get along side by side as if nothing had happened. and this is the point where they say "we jes accepted what happeneed and have moved on" :s

Unknown said...

hey there..been ages.. this all happened in maldives? i am so outdated.. and thats simply horrible..

I think relationships can end well.. and it doesn have to be one specific way.. 1.buddy buddy 2.never say a word 3. ackonowledge each other on a civil basis.. thats all good as far as i am concerned..

And relationships have ended well.. and iv met ppl for whom its ended well as well..

P.S Teddy u didnt call me for anymore blogger events!!! how rude!

p.s.s i lost ur number as well

Anonymous said...

nice post...

Anonymous said...

& dont u think guyz go too far or much too extreme on dese matters???

Arkturus said...

not only guys, anonymous. some girls can be pretty darn vindictive too... *shakes head*

kaiza shozey said...

@shanu: you lost my number? how rude -.- :p. we havent actually had a BLOGGER meet up eyge fahun but did have a farewell for aesha which included some bloggers. but rest assured ull be first on my list next time k? :)

@anonymous: they do cos they can. i guess guys do more physical damage while girls do more emotional damage. and yea, guys DO give emotional damage as well dho. ill say its because girls cant. if they cud im sure they'd get all physical as well.

shan said...

here's another one!

girl is one of'em so called "gud gals" who ofcourse sneaks around with guys behind her parents..anyways..

guy finds out the girl cheated,
takes a vid of her while he *beep beepd* on her face the next day.
breaks up with her that night,
sends the video to her parents through post labelled "you have a beautiful daughter"

duno wat happened to her after guess is her parents sent her sumwhere abroad like all the other maldivian parents do in when their kids screwup

Ruba said...

I got a good one :)

Boy meets Girl. Boy likes Girl. Girl likes Boy. Girl takes Boy home to meet parents. Boy likes Mom. Boy screws Mom. Girl finds out. Girl tells Dad. Parent's divorce. Boy seriously screwed...! (Use your imagination)

Raanya said...

You described this point:
11)We’ve also got the ‘unmanly’ kinds who doesn’t do any yelling, hitting or anything even near to whats described above. These guys are made out to be the losers or the ppl who are a bore to their X’s. more like the pathetic fools who needs to grow up. And believe me, if the guy doesn’t hate the girl for the breakup then it turns out that apparently something is very wrong with the guy.

Well, these "unmanly" guys are the most mature; you do not have to resort to violence to get your point across do you?

Anyway, a girl wouldn't usually (note: i said usually, which means there is another possibility)cheat or breakup without a reason, and guys who are "manly" sometimes just needs to accept it without going fanatical.

"if the guy doesn’t hate the girl for the breakup then it turns out that apparently something is very wrong with the guy." THIS is quite true, however.

kaiza shozey said...

i was being sarcastic by calling em 'unmanly' as in implying thats how they are turned out to be.

cant agree with the last bit cos what if the guy accepts the reason she gave for the breakup. what if the guy knows its the truth and that there really is nothing he could do abt it no matter how much he wanted to? and accepts that after a long relationship she mustve really thought about that reason and that she had finally decided to break up giving that reason for the breakup? ofcourse he'll be hurt and all, but that doesnt necessarily mean he has to HATE her right? afterall, this is the girl he's been in love with all that time. u cant possibly expect him to forget all the good thats happened during the relationship becos of her, cos of a reason she gave and made the decision to breakup. cos if he did, then he truly isnt grateful or thankful for the relationship they had and chose hate and anger to hide his hurt.