Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"The butterfly that flutters its wings and causes a hurricane on the other side of the world"

“The essence of nature is mathematical. There’s a hidden meaning beneath reality. Things are organized following a model, a scheme, a logical series. Even the tiny snowflake includes a numerical basis in its structure. Therefore, if we manage to discover the secret meaning of numbers, we will know the secret meaning of reality.”

Sounds nice and interesting doesn’t it? Now lets have a look at the other side of it.

“Since man is incapable of reconciling mind and matter, he tends to confer some sort of entity on ideas because he cannot bear the notion that the purely abstract only exists in our brain. The beauty and harmony of a snowflake, the butterfly that flutters its wings and causes a hurricane on the other side of the world. We’ve been hearing about that damn butterfly for decades but who has been able to predict a single hurricane? Nobody! Tell me something. Where is the beauty and harmony in cancer? What makes a cell suddenly decide to turn itself into a killer metastasis and destroy the rest of the cells in a healthy body? Does anybody know? No! Because we’d rather think of snowflakes and butterflies. Or Pain? War? So why? Because we need to think that life has meaning. That everything is governed by logic and not by mere chance. If I write 2, then 4, then 6, we feel good because we know that next comes 8. We can foresee it. We are not in the hands of destiny. Unfortunately however, this has nothing to do with truth. Don’t you agree? This is only fear. Sad.”

Now think about both of this. What comes to mind? What do we understand by the statement that is the topic? Im sure some of us will have totally different ideas and opinions about it. Or even if its roughly the same what are the differences? Can such events that revolve around our lives be foreseen or figured out beforehand? Can there be a secret meaning to reality?

-The 2008 movie “The Oxford Murders”-


Anonymous said...

What comes to my mind? Well, if i write it here, you wont like it. So, not gonna annoy you. Hope now you have a clue of what I'm thinking.

paperclippenny said...

Oxford Murders!! Now that's a movie I want to watch. Elijah Wood *drool*

kaiza shozey said...

@penny: dont worry about it. ive got it with me.

Aryj said...

it is an interesting concept isnt it..? most great physicists believe that eveyrthing could be explained with numbers...maybe not by humans...too many possibilities..too many tiny details to account for...