Thursday, May 22, 2008

Impacts 3. Struggling to make ends meet(2/2)

So if ur determined to lead an honest life(that should be less than 40% of Maldivians. Definitely lesser), don’t waste your life. I look around and see bright kids who finish Chse and enter a job paying 3000 a month maybe less and being there for a year or so. Then keep on changing jobs every now and then from this to that and after five years or so of working they go and see their savings which rounds up to less than Rf10,000.

Plan for the future. And its not ‘cool’ or ‘gaddaa’ to go with those sayings “ill jes take every day as it comes. Cant be bothered to worry abt the future now. Ill think abt it when the time comes”. Ofcourse life wont go as u plan it to. There will always be changes and set backs. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have goals in your life. Dreams that you wanna fulfill. Those dreams wont come to you as you lay down doing nothing. When ur faced with obstacles, you overcome it or deal with it. Making minor adjustments doesn’t mean u have to lose sight of the main target.

And don’t expect that if ur good in the company you reside in they’ll send you abroad for further studies. It rarely happens. So DON’T depend on it. Start saving. Stop WASTING it on ur gfs/bfs with gifts, dinners etc etc. “Be a man! Do the right thing!”(Russel Peters). Make sure ur determined. Don’t make goals and targets to wimp out and quit when the going gets tough. Everything is harder than it looks and obstacles will come your way. You WILL be thrown back every now and then. When that happens jes get back on your feet, realize u aren’t dead yet and move forward. Those are the ppl that will make it through life. If u really think about it there’s no such thing as luck. Its irrelevant. Hard work and unwavering determination has been the backbone of those so called lucky people who are living luxurious lives.

OR u can always choose the other side of the road and Maldives is an ideal place to give you a helping hand to be pushed in that direction which would most definitely get you wealthy in the shortest period of time with the least effort considering you don’t get caught ;). Ur choice, ur gain and ur loss.

Jes spilled out everything as they came to mind but hope it makes a positive effect on whomever that’s interested in this post. Yea yea, its long. But I like writing long stuff. Hopefully the impact would be bigger on those who actually finish it through.


moyameehaa said...

grrreeaat. this one is really great. inspirational. and true. the teens and young ppl of today need these kinda stuff. lack of an attitude like this; is one big reason why youth get wasted , do drugs and become a burden to the society.

Anonymous said...

very 'chicken soupish!'

kaiza shozey said...

@Moyameeha: thanx again :)

@hishma: is it? ive heard of those chicken soup books. first time i heard it i thought it was a recipe book for different kinds of chicken soup. i bought two if i remember correctly but never read any. is it any good?

Anonymous said...

all talk no action look what at you have said and first apply it to yourself and then come preaching it to others

kaiza shozey said...

@anonymous: lol. thats where something called choice comes into play my dear. upto u if u wanna follow anything written in the post or not let alone even reading it. but atleast u seem to think u know me even better than myself. :)
good luck with that *thumbs up* ;)

. : Apple : . said...

hmm.. i remember a certain someone spending a certain amount of something on another certain someone.. =P

kaiza shozey said...

@apple: lol. hggh. its u. hehe. im already in australia u ass. :p Been here for like almost a month now. so howve u been?

yea, i remember that certain someone as well. i had written abt him in a previous post as well. i think it was "impacts:money and friends". not sure. ;)

Anonymous said...

I make things disappear.
Its very profitable.

kaiza shozey said...

@anonymous: so ur a magician huh? niiice.