Thursday, January 24, 2008

Virgin Trade (2/2)..continued..

Ive had a few conversations with some of these prostitutes and their stories are somewhat different. There was this one girl who said that her father died at an early age and she had to support her family which is impossible with the little money they get with an honest hardworking job. So in the end she tells her family and friends that she’s going to the next island to work as a waitress or such and goes to the ships and clubs for prostitution. That way she gets to send enough money back home and still buy stuff she wanted for herself.

But as the years go by the demand for each of these girls grow lesser. If ur a virgin or have just started prostitution u might even get around $100 everytime u have sex. But in just two years or three, the ppl can tell the difference in them and before you know it the price has gone down to even $20per day.

And there’s this other girl who’s a wife with two children. But still she comes for that same work. She says that when she’s having sex she just closes her eyes and bears through it all thinking about her children and their well being. Of all the things she can do for them with the money she gets. She even calls them and her husband almost every night on the mobile. She says that its not because she doesn’t love her husband. She does it BECAUSE she loves her husband and children that much. So much that she is willing to sleep around so that her children could get a good life and to make sure that they DONT have to resolve to prostitution like her. So that they could have a good education and in time a decent job which would pay lots of money.

There are even some prostitutes whose husbands are the ones who actually makes them go into prostitution so that they could have more money. Or in other cases it’s the mother who sends her daughters to sleep around.

There’s this interview in the documentary i watched about a girl complaining that their ‘mammaasaa’ sometimes forces them to have sex even during their periods. So they sometimes put a sponge inside to stop the bleeding. And im telling you, its true. Ive heard the same complains as well. Some of these girls have no choice at all. And its hard to believe that some of them even introduce their younger sisters and friends into the same work.

Few lines from the documentary:
this is what a club owner had to say about prostitution. i guess it was a justification to himself. what is prostitution? the housewife who stays at home having sex with the husband waiting for the monthly check is the same thing according to him. the only difference is that its legal. oh well, each one to their own way of thinking i guess.

Here’s what I find the funniest about it all. Some stupid ass Maldivians actually fall in LUURRVVE with the prostitutes. They’ll spend like $100 per day on a certain girl whom he’ll call everytime he comes to Thailand. And most of the time he’ll even give about $200-300 when the ship is about to leave so that she could take care of herself when he isn’t there in Thailand. These guys believe the girls when they say that they don’t sleep around and that this guy is the only one they have sex with. There has been fights on the ship between Maldivians where one fellow Maldivian would hit on that certain girl who has already been TAKEN. Most of the time it’s the girl who hits on the other crew members when her MAN is at duty. So some guys would lock up the prostitutes in their rooms before going to duty. The same thing happens even between the prostitutes. There have been cat fights when a fellow prostitute sleeps with another’s MAN. Lol. These guys who are in LUURRVVE even cry when they finally have to depart with their love…the prostitute. When the ship has left and is sailing away from Thailand u can sometimes see these love filled guys sitting on the ‘joali’ facing towards Thailand at sunset with tears forming in their eyes. They don’t even stop calling them when they are in back in male’.

And then I see this same behaviour back in the Maldives between Maldivian men and Maldivian women. But this time the guys are sleeping around and the girls just refuse to believe it. It doesn’t matter how many of her friends or relatives tells her. They’ll still believe in the guy. Since she is in LUURRVE with the guy. They’ll keep on playing the fool and humping the bf until she is finally provided with pictures or videos of her beloved ‘love of her life’ having another LOVE with whom he shares his love with, through his penis. But some girls continue to live in denial even after that saying that they are giving the guy a second chance to redeem himself and to realize the truth which is…..coming back to her and loving ONLY her. And the most common line used by these women are “unlike you my friends, I believe in my boyfriend. I LOVE him moe than anybody else. I wont believe any news that flies around until ive seen it with my own eyes. I TRUST in my bf that much. You should try doing the same with yours and mind your own damn business”. And if it’s a case where she ends up giving the guy a second or twenty secondth chance , she TRIES to justify it by saying “you possibly wont understand my feelings and the love we both have for each other”.i don’t think anyone would understand that. Baaka baaka BAAAAKA! (ive strayed off topic again.oh well. Not the first time and definitely aint gnna be the last time)

This song suits the country Maldives so well.
Minaa mina shimaavaa (the islands in the south)
Aththaka hee (are warm)
Paina purupuru (paina purupuru)
Aththaa pokapoka (their heads get really hot)
Agho BAAAAAAAKAAAAAAA!!!! (and they’re all IDIOTS!)


Anonymous said...

very interesting indeed. i've always heard about maldivian shipping crews & thai prostitutes but this is the first inside story. revealing, sad & funny all at the same time. Virgin Trade sounds like a fine film. you might also be interested in checking out the brilliant oscar-winning documentary Born into Brothels, about the lives of kids of prostitutes in Calcutta's redlight districts...

kaiza shozey said...

@shaari: hmmmm, ive heard of that movie. its supposed to be really good. ill have to get a hold of it. btw, 'virgin trade' is a documentary of about an hr. atleast u read the whole post. heheh.

Ruba said...

You ended up talking to them huh... must be an awfully boring ship

iecco said...

dumbasses... what can we say.. i feel sad for the girls who are forced to do these things.. must've been an intersting documentry.. i wanna watch it sometime..

kaiza shozey said...

@velvy: yea, it can be really really boring at times. but usually in thailand its lively as ever. so much drama and entertainment happening all the time. evem during the midnight duty.hehe.

@i-kko: u didnt have to say anything dho. ekahala gothakah ma liun echcheh noonennu. just wanted to share the experience. got a lot of feedback to my fone as well. some even from the mates in australia. heheh. varah obi.

Anonymous said...

temeo bakemono dane arra-kun..