Monday, September 21, 2009

The truth about marriage and how it turns out most of the time.(part 1 of 2)

You spend your youth being with one girl after the other while telling yourself that you were either in love or had something special with each and every girl you were with. But due to faults from one side or the other, or due to dissatisfaction in one thing or the other your relationships come to an end. All the while you keep telling yourself that someone much better will come along. But each relationship is new and different in their own way. They all have their ups and downs. Before long you realize that the people around you are getting married one after the other. Some of them have started having kids. You feel as if your biological clock is ticking and have this need or urge to follow the saying “monkey see monkey do”. Your relatives are bugging you and so are your friends. Pretty soon your current girlfriend starts nagging as well…..cos she feels that HER biological clock is ticking much faster. Both of you want to enjoy married life. A life where you can have legal sex and be around each other more. Since currently its only a relationship, you seem to have certain restrictions. Be it that your gf doesn’t let you get into her pants for fear of god o sumthing else, or be it that you aren’t able to have sex as much as you want to, or meet as often as you want to. Both of you seem to be in the prime of your youth. You feel that if you do get married all those problems can be solved.

You feel that you’re ready for a marriage all the while knowing that your lust for women as a whole will always be there. But you tell yourself that everything will change once you’re married. You tell yourself that she is indeed “the one”. So you get married in the end. If you look you’ll see that the majority of ppl who go into an early marriage are ones that believe in sex after marriage. So the really religious ones marry earliest, the moderate ones marry a bit later and those ppl who doesn’t believe in sex after marriage and who does it while being in relationships marry the last.

Then ofcourse either the guy or the girl has that need to keep the other faithful. Marriage apparently seems to have an effect on how much a person will stay faithful. Better to tie the knot fast in order to keep him or her from cheating on you with some other guy as its not a big deal to breakup a relationship but it’s a lot complicated when one decides to get a divorce. There will also be a lot of other factors to think about if you’re married.

Marriage is usually followed by wonderful days. Some things can be quite difficult to handle once you start living together. But the sex and the freedom is worth it all. After all, now you’re doing it 3-4 times a day. As the weeks turn into months you realize that the number of times you have sex has been reduced. Its to be expected. It might still be great but its not as important anymore as it used to be. Because even if its sex you keep on having the same thing over and over again. You soon realize you have the need to spice it up and try different things to fully satisfy yourself and her. Those problems or difficulties of marriage that you’ve pushed down, now seems like they are getting more and more difficult to tolerate…..more difficult to compromise….even if little by little.

Then comes the point where either the husband or the wife starts feeling as if they are growing apart. That’s when the baby talk starts. Ofcourse there will also be the want to have kids as well. Pretty soon the kid is what keeps the parents together. This is why marriage rarely works if the couple waits more than a few years(lets say abt 5yrs) to have a kid.

But it seems having a kid is like a double edged blade. As along with the baby comes a lot of other stuff. The wife starts to have saggy boobs and a similar bum. Stretch marks have already appeared all over. And to top it off the responsibility of having a kid comes into play as well. All of which in turn has a tremendous effect on your sex life. The already deteriorating sex life gets even more complicated. The wife is too busy with the baby and too tired when the baby’s asleep. The husband starts making joking comments(at first it appears as jokes) about her looks fading which actually makes the matter worse. By now even if sex is very important to the guy, sex with his wife aint anymore….not as much as it used to.


Nora said...

sniff* so sad..but true.

mode said...

"monkey do monkey see" kekekeke that really describes peeps nowdays.