Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Happy b'day Phenol

Very warm birthday(now its belated i guess)wishes to phenol and a special 'thank you' for all who came to the small celebration at my place terrace. so thanx to shan, aesha, i-kko, bandu ali, maa, aari, amdhan and musfir.

Nothing big. just a small gathering with pizzas and drinks. got a guitar later on, but before it actually reached shan's hands as expected one string was cut by the careless hands of bandu ali.(second time thins happened infront of me). doesnt anyone bloody listen to me when i say NOT to giv him the guitar? but nevertheless we had a fun time(ofcourse its gonna be fun, its the gang. *hint hint farey*). and to make the night more special i called up the one and only affey who had ALOT to say to everyone there. hehe. hope you had a great time Phenol. got lots more celebrating to do when affey comes back and hopefully farey(if he doesnt have better plans like going to malay) *whistle whistle* :p Come on farey. get ur arse over here. ur missing out on all the fun. we'll make that week worthwhile and u know it. ;) affey, iru and even nattu is coming. now we just lack naththu and starky.

And a very belated happy birthday to you too farey. wish u were here....hey aruvaalan ;)


andhu said...

hehe... lets hope they all get there... hehe ...

starky..... said...

not bad.....hehe dont worry farey will go to male' cause he got no other choice...mihaaruves angaafi viyya annan

Phenol said...

hey thanks guys:shan, aesha, i-kko, bandu ali, maa, aari, amdhan and musfir.
we shud hav a better party when more ppl come back home

PemPeNeyNo AnEsThEyShiYa said...

hmm.. happy birth day to phenol from me too.. hi arra..

Anonymous said...

ey ey, binmaageyn gulhitha eynayah hehehe hope u had fun bro. wish i was there...

fareY said...

starky, shut ur gap!
happy birthday bro.
damn sad i couldnt be there. sounds like u guys had fun.
samahy cut a string again? wtf man u got blades for fingers or something?
as for going to male' in april: no comments :D

aesha said...

balaaekey ..guiter ge naru and bandu ali!

though i had fun and a relaxin time!

happy belated bday phenol

WritingsForLife said...

birthdays are always so much fun. Its like one becomes a child all over again, even if it is just for a day-- it is all worth it!
I am waiting for my birthday now which is on the 20th :-)

iecco said...

happy belated b'day dude.. ya it was kinda fun thimeehun jinni vaahaka dhekkyma ma birun gos masha rai hedhun lee meehun sidimathin feni.. keke
anyways thanks for the pizza =P

kaiza shozey said...

@andhu: yea, lets hope so.

@starky: thiyah hama neygeyen. he might even go to malaysia. lets see vat he does dho

@phenol:yea, we should. and ur most welcome. its all thanx to bandu ali aslu dho.

@sunrise: hey hey hey. look hu's back. so sad u couldnt come that night. u missed out on alot. :p

@affey: gulhaane rangalhah viyya. he wont tell us viyya dho. hehe. and ur phone call really did make a huge diff that night bro. waiting eargerly for ur swift return. we should get wild. like u said ma hunna iru faadehge kickeh araey. we should make full use of it. ;)

@farey. hehe. dhogehves nooney. aanh dhen alakah noon viyya dho. emme fahun dhin faharuves nareh kandaalaifi. u'd better get ur arse over here and not somewhere else dude. eternal consequences ;P

@aesha: yea, we all did. thanx for dropping by. wudve been alot more fun if it werent for the naru. -.-. jes cant seem to get over it.hehe

@raaji:ehentha? would that be 20th of march? mines 25th april.cant wait. yayyy!!

@i-kko: yea, abt that. i dont think it was anyone from our house cos i never got a comment or anything about an encounter with u on the stairs.

Ali Samahi said...

anh dhoa balaa ehkay mi bandu ali aa hedhi abadhu naru kandani mifaharu ves rangalhu amihla meehaa ge guitar ge naru viyaa kandaalee ehkamaku gaanooneh thanfeezu kuran vehje mihkamaa gulhigen

kaiza shozey said...

@ali samahi: bandu ali is you dude. :s lol. thee rangalhu kamekey. asluves gaanooneh kanda alhanvee. naru kandaalumuge sababun plans ah huraheh elhey komme faharakah adhabeh kanda alhanvee ey. :p

Ali Samahi said...

anh affey vadai gatheema ganoonu than feezu kureveyni! ehnoonh gotheh noanaane!